Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Google+ vs. Facebook

More than 200 million people play or use the games available on Facebook each month.
Although these games a free, players do have the opportunity to invest real money into it in order to advance higher up and be more successful in their virtual world- because of this, developers have made millions.
Well, now Google+ wants a piece of this success and millions.
I personally support Facebook more than Google. To me, Google should exist to be the search engine I go to whenever I need to look something up- not a social networking site like Facebook. I feel that if Google spends all it's time and resources on attempting to replace Facebook as the top social networking site then the quality of it's search engine and results will decrease. Likewise, if Facebook spends all it's time attempting to stay on top, they'll start inventing millions of features that will confuse and annoy it's users, causing them to eventually abandon it all together.

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